There is a difference
between a good speaker and an effective one. A good speaker knows the subject
well and impresses the listeners with her/his knowledge coupled with correct
voice modulation; whereas an effective speaker is someone who is confident, possesses
the power to captivate the audience and enhances the delivering message which
makes her/him stand out. Therefore, effective speaking is fundamental not only
to leaders but anyone who wants people to listen to them. Speaking effectively
is not an inborn skill and can be acquired by carefully learning the art.
are top 5 tips for communicating effectively:
1. Listening is the key
of the first steps to effective communication is to listen. Listening isn’t
just about taking on board what the other person is saying; it is about
understanding them. Through effective listening, you can determine how the
other person thinks and reacts to certain circumstances, guiding you to adjust
your style to better engage with them.
2. Watch Your Body
Every movement you make
is a form of communication. The physical signals you instinctively make are
picked up by the audience and whether you know it or not, affect the way they
receive what you are saying (or how you are listening). This can cause confusion
and possibly reduce the impact of the message you are trying to convey.
Try to think of your toes or
adopt a power pose if you want to increase your confidence in front of large
audiences. Also, learn how to read the body language of other people so you can
respond appropriately.
3. Get rid of
Unnecessary Distractions
Whether it is your phone,
the PowerPoint presentation or the background noise – external
stimulations are distracting when you are trying to deliver a message. They will
reduce the effectiveness of your message so limit their use to the essential
when communicating with others.
4. Be Firm not
Watching your tone is of particular
importance. While you will need to be assertive at times, there is a fine line
between being assertive and being aggressive. Avoid crossing that line at all
costs as the latter will only alienate your audience and is not productive.
Practice being confident and direct while portraying a calm, cooperative tone.
5. Communicate With
Another way to improve how
your communications are received and understood by employees is to tell a story. Audiences,
whoever they may be, are more receptive to narratives than to bland
instructions. People listen to stories, become emotionally engaged and remember
them well. Think carefully about the story you choose to tell to illustrate the
point you wish to make, and ensure it is relevant to your target audience, so
that they can individualize the content, thereby understanding ‘what this means
for me.
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