Learn From Everyone, Follow No One by Beepul Mishra No matter how experienced and how intelligent you are there is always a scope and need of learning. Not only from books or by reading any articles but by observing someone or something you can learn many qualities. Now I’ll discuss by giving some real life examples. From a child you can learn to be carefree and enjoy your life. If in general we will talk about army and terrorists, they both are rivals but when it comes to learning there are some common qualities which you can learn, i.e., fearlessness and their determination for their work, their lives are always in danger but then also they show a remarkable determination for their job. You can learn a lot from the stories of failure, a close observation can help you understand what was the reason of that person’s failure. Many people think that reading and listening success stories are more effective as compared to the stories of failure, but there is always a sc...
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